Steal Coin / Mug Bot Config | Rogue / Stalker Bot Config Guide
Earn a lot of zeny by putting a Steal Coin Bot Config in your rogue character. Depending on the level of the monster you can get a minimum of 500 zeny for a level 50 monster so if you bot for about an hour and you are not overweight you can get almost 10,000 out of them or maybe even more if you have a priest slave doing magnificat with you.
There you go, comment below after some time how much you have earned with this config. For more questions or suggestions about this config just inform me. Have fun making zeny!
Here's the Steal Coin Bot Config for your Rogue / Stalker / Shadow Chaser:
attackSkillSlot Steal Coin {
lvl 10
sp > 10
aggressives <3
monster <put here the monsters you want to steal from>
maxAttempts <put here the attempts you want to use with Steal Coin>
maxUses <put here the number of uses>
There you go, comment below after some time how much you have earned with this config. For more questions or suggestions about this config just inform me. Have fun making zeny!