Lex Aeterna Bot Config | High Priest / Priest Config Guide
One of the useful skills of the acolyte class is the Lex Aeterna. Giving you incredible double damage on the monster when casting it on them. Using this Lex Aeterna Bot Config really helps in leveling up your character whether you are a slave priest bot or just a battle type of priest. Putting this block in your config.txt makes your level up easier.
So here is the Lex Aeterna Bot Config for your Priest / High Priest / Archbishop:
attackSkillSlot Lex Aeterna {
lvl 1
dist 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
sp > 10%
aggressives <3
inLockOnly 1
monsters <put monsters name here separated with comma>
maxUses <put a number how many times you want to use Lex Aeterna>
maxAttempts <how many times you want to attempt to use the skill>
target_whenStatusInactive Lex Aeterna
Comment below if there are problems or if you have more question about the config for your bot. Check out the other posts for your priest for more awesome bot config.
cannot work for me. how to make it?