Party Full Support Acolyte / Priest / High Priest Slave Bot Config Guide
So you are probably searching for a full support priest bot config to boost your character's leveling experience and get to 3rd job quickly. Well, you came to the right place because I have here a complete compilation of priest skills that will help you level up fast. Just copy this blocks and paste it into your config.txt. Don't forget to edit it also for your needs.
useSelf_skill Heal {
lvl 10
hp < 80%
useSelf_skill Increase AGI {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Increase AGI
sp > 10
timeout 240
useSelf_skill Gloria {
lvl 1
sp > 30%
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 1
whenStatusInactive Gloria
timeout 30
useSelf_skill Blessing {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Blessing
sp > 10
timeout 240
useSelf_skill Angelus {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Angelus
sp > 10%
timeout 300
useSelf_skill Kyrie Eleison {
lvl 10
sp > 20%
stopWhenHit 1
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 1
whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison
timeout 120
useSelf_skill Magnificat {
lvl 3
sp > 10%
whenStatusInactive Magnificat
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 30
Those blocks are for the Full Support Slave for himself. The following config blocks are for the master or the main killer of your party. Just place the name of the character on the target block and edit others for your exact need of the skill.
partySkill Heal {
lvl 10
sp > 10
target <put name here>
target_hp < 98%
partySkill Increase AGI {
lvl 10
sp > 10%
target <put name here>
target_whenStatusInactive Increase AGI
target_timeout 240
partySkill Blessing {
lvl 10
sp > 30%
inLockOnly 1
timeout 3
target <put name here>
target_whenStatusInactive Blessing
target_timeout 240
partySkill Kyrie Eleison {
lvl 10
sp > 20%
stopWhenHit 1
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 3
disabled 0
target <put name here>
target_whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison
target_timeout 120
partySkill Impositio Manus {
lvl 10
sp > 25
inLockOnly 1
timeout 3
disabled 0
target <put name here>
target_whenStatusInactive Impositio Manus
target_timeout 60
If you have questions or suggestions about this Full Support Slave Priest Bot Config don't hesitate to comment below. Happy leveling!
Your config is excellent but Impositio Manus don't work on my bot. The slave bot don't use that skill for the followbot. I don't know why?
ReplyDeleteis there any way for the priest to support all teammates without putting their names? like put the party name.
ReplyDelete@Aziz: There is just put the the job of the character here "target_isJob" example
ReplyDeletetarget_isJob Clown, Dancer, High Acolyte
just make sure they are in the range of the priest otherwise it won't work..
can it work if i put general classes like if i put sage, does it affect job for sorcerer?
ReplyDeleteas far as i know, if you dont put anything on the target part then everybody on the party would be recieving the buffs indicated