Double Strafe Bot Config | Archer / Hunter / Rogue Bot Config

Finish your monster enemies by double strafing them to death and moving on to the next and level up faster than usual. Just put this Double Strafe Bot Config on your attackskillslot block and see your character get one level quicker than before.
Here is the Double Strafe Config for Archer / Hunter / Bard / Gypsy / Rogue / Stalker:
attackSkillSlot Double Strafe {
lvl 10
dist 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
sp > 5%
inLockOnly 1
monsters <put monsters name here seperated with comma>
maxUses <put max uses of this skill>
Enjoy this config for your bot. If you have questions or suggestions about this config just comment below and I will get back to you soon. Have fun Double Strafing monsters. Happy Leveling!